Saturday, November 29, 2014

Order your holiday greeting cards!

Dear Families,

Will you be mailing holiday photo cards this year?  If so, please purchase them here so HCS can earn 40% profit on your order!  Visit to view hundreds of beautiful designs, download your photos and purchase your cards.  They will be shipped to your home within 3 to 5 days. 

Be sure to enter our account number when prompted.  Our account number is 21095.

We also encourage you to visit Genevieve’s online store to check out hundreds of items that are available for gift-giving, including gift-wrap, candles, and items from Crabtree & Evelyn, Stonewall Kitchen, Lake Champlain Chocolates, Vermont Smoke & Cure, King Arthur Flour and more.  

To check it out, visit The items will be shipped directly to your home.  If you input our account number when prompted, we earn 45% profit!  Orders over $80 ship for free.  Thank you for supporting our school!  Our account number is 21095.